
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab


As an integral part, IT-Centre performs activities of client's PCs to address new/ existing maintenance and support requirements.
IT Centre established a Hardware Lab for repairing. All departments in the University can refer their hardware for troubleshooting or repairs to the Hardware Lab. From computers and peripherals such as Monitors, CPUs, Multimedia, Scanner, Motherboard, Printers and CD-drives to other networking equipment like Media Converters, Switches and UPSs, the Hardware Section specializes in repairing like troubleshooting service for all kinds of computer hardware related problems, including power supply, motherboard, graphics card and hard drive faults. Also have the facilities to recover data from corrupted and damaged disks. Offer an assembly and upgrading service to Staff Members who would like to increase the specification of their PC. Offer advice on hardware related issues, such as general hardware configuration.

For Any New Computer Installation or requirements, Send official Letter to Director IT-Centre or you can contact as well from given below link. (PU Premises)  
Contact the IT-Centre Hardware Section with any technical queries or issues.
• Mr. Muhammad Muzammil (Incharge) 
• Mr. Imtiaz Zaheer


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